Like with the beta rewards before them, there are 17 unlocks up for grabs here, and one - the most significant - tied to finishing the campaign. The rewards will be available for use in multiplayer, Special Ops, and in Warzone 2.0 when it launches on November 16. Each reward is likely tied to finishing certain missions, though the developer did not specify. Nevertheless, if you get early access to the campaign on October 20 by pre-ordering Modern Warfare 2, your unlocks will be ready to use at the launch of multiplayer a week later. If you decide to wait, finishing the campaign any time after that will still grant you the same rewards. So what do you stand to unlock? Well, you’re looking at four operators, four calling cards, an emblem, and a bunch of double XP and double weapon XP tokens. The final unlock is Captain Price’s signature M4 - the Union Guard weapon blueprint. Outside of its unique looks, this blueprint comes prerequired with four attachments: an optic, laser sight, silencer, and a vertical grip. Here’s everything you’ll unlock, in order: Modern Warfare 2 is out October 28 on PC, PS4, PS5, Xbox One, and Xbox Series X/S. You can play the single-player campaign as early as October 20 if you pre-order the game.